An example for this could be the following:
On a SharePoint-server a feature named custom_feature_1 was installed which has a version of because it's been updated a few times during the lifecycle of the appication.
Because the rootweb was created first, the feature's version is there. A newer subweb below has been created after the feature was updated and there the feature's version is Now, after the third update, another web will be created where the feature now has a version of
So how can you easily get the version of the feature activated in one of these webs?
You can use this PowerShell-script to get all information about your features:
get-spweb http://customsitecollection/customweb |% {$_.Features} | where-object {$_.Definition -ne $null} | where-object {$_.Definition.DisplayName.StartsWith("custom")} |% {new-object psobject -Property @{Id = $_.DefinitionId; Version = $_.Version; DisplayName = ($_ | select -ExpandProperty Definition).DisplayName; Scope = ($_ | select -ExpandProperty Definition).Scope; }} | format-table -Property * -Autosize | Out-String -Width 120 | out-file custom_web_features.txt
Just copy these lines and replace the bold-marked parts by your own needs:
http://customsite/customweb - The full path to the web you want the feature-versions from
custom - The name that the features starts with in SharePoint-Root features-folder
custom_web_features.txt - The name of the file that's created with information
The content of the file should look like this:
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