Mittwoch, 10. September 2014

Adding ECB directly to document libraries

Recently I used to look for a possibility to change the SharePoint 2013 ECB (Edit Control Block) from CallOut-Popup back to direct call as known from SharePoint 2010.

I found this way as a quick work around:

But by this solution, the drag-and-drop area is not rendered anymore and the old-fashioned "Add new item"-link below the list returns.

So I spent a little more time with googeling and found this page which adds an additional icon to click which displays the ECB directly:

The site describes the How-To and provides a sandboxed-solution for directly adding to the solutions-gallery of the SiteCollection. After activating everything to do is finished.

As you can see, the standard behaviour is not touched but extended by a new functionality:

It depends to the customer's wish if the three-dots-button now should be hidden (needs some additional work) or both buttons should remain.